vor 1 year

“Broken Machines & Wild Imaginings“ at Akademie der Künste presents ten new installations by JUNGE AKADEMIE fellows, who artistically explore artificial intelligence.

The focus is on speculative and experimental practices that articulate and question the handling of power and ethics in the context of AI:

The fragility of machines and their extractive nature, algorithmic violence, and the belief in technological solutions are all concerns that the artists respond to in their work. Through the use of poetic worlds, playful concepts, and repair strategies, they create alternative paradigms, histories, and ideas about technology, as well as a digital life outside of Big Tech’s systems. The multimedia installations explore various themes, including deep-sea cables as historical channels of power, indigenous technologies and cosmologies, AI-based human models, queer and decolonial computing, and the question of digital immortality. Through these works, the artists aim to challenge dominant narratives about technology and offer new perspectives on our relationship with it.

The exhibition is Open since 2/6/2023, it will continue until 9/7/2023. AKADEMIE DER KÜNSTE / HANSEATENWEG 10 / 10557 BERLIN / JUNGE-AKADEMIE.ADK.DE

Images Courtesy of the artists / Junge Akademie


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