Happy Monday! This week’s earworms come from New York-based photographer and model Aviv Grimm.
We have recently featured quite a few sweeter-than-thou playlists, filled with tender indie sentimentalities. We like that, too. But right now, with so many varying stresses, a longing to dance, and a heatwave infiltrating and following us from the outdoors inside, we have been in the mood to listen to some gritty to get out the aggravation, and some chilly new-wave synth and post-punk attitude to have a better reason to sweat.
Fräulein reached out to the New York-based photographer, model, and witchy dark creature Aviv Grimm. We knew she would have good taste in music (if her band tees are any indicator), and we were right. Throw on your favorite shade of black and get a little gothy. And if your makeup starts to run, that’s even better.